Premium Eye Care with Cutting-Edge Instruments

At Chirag Eye Care, we believe that every patient deserves nothing less than the best. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in the state-of-the-art diagnostic and surgical instruments we employ to ensure your eye health. Explore the precision and innovation that define our clinic.

Centurion Phacoemulsification Machine: The World's Best - Manufactured by Alcon, USA

Experience cataract surgery at its finest with the CENTURION machine. Exceptional precision, faster recovery, and superior outcomes await you.

Optical Biometer - Lenstar Ls 900 Manufactured By Haag Streit, Switzerland, Europe

Experience the pinnacle of accuracy in intraocular lens power calculation. Expect the best refractive outcomes after cataract surgery.

Computerised Eye Power Testing Autorefractometer Manufactured By Topcon, Japan

Achieve precise and accurate spectacle power calculations.

Digital Slit Lamp - Topcon Manufactured By Topcon, Japan

Crystal-clear optics for the most detailed eye examinations. Digital image analysis for comprehensive patient counseling.

Olympus Pathology Microscope - Compound Binocular Microscope Manufactured By Olympus, Japan

High-resolution imaging for diagnosing various eye conditions, including corneal infections.

Retina/Fundus Camera - Topcon Manufactured By Topcon, Japan

High-quality retina photography for diabetic retinopathy screening and retinal pathology documentation.

Tomey Lensometer Manufactured By Tomey, Japan

State-of-the-art technology for verifying prescribed glass power with precision.

Dry Eye Analysis & Topography Manufactured By Cso, Italy, Europe

Unmatched diagnostics for dry eye conditions, accompanied by comprehensive reports. Our topographer ensures precise corneal curvature analysis, including Keratoconus screening.

Yag Laser Machine: Latest Model Manufactured By Appasamy, India

Essential for removing posterior capsular opacification and laser peripheral iridotomy in glaucoma patients

Visual Field Analysis - Octopus Perimeter Manufactured By Haag Streit, Switzerland, Europe

Detect the earliest signs of glaucoma with the latest visual field analyzer.

Operating Microscope - Leica M220 Manufactured By Leica, Germany

Unparalleled optics for top-tier surgical precision. Among the world's best.

Retina & Glaucoma-Oct - Optical Coherence Tomogram Manufactured By Carl Zeiss, Germany, Europe

Cutting-edge technology for glaucoma patient screening and detailed retinal pathology diagnosis.

Experience premium eye care with Chirag Eye Care. Visit us today for the best treatment and the assurance of excellence in eye health.

