Glaucoma Care Services

Discover Leading-Edge Glaucoma Care at Chirag Eye Care

At Chirag Eye Care, we stand at the forefront of modern glaucoma diagnosis and management, dedicated to preserving your precious vision. Our state-of-the-art Glaucoma Services harness advanced technologies and expertise to detect and treat this sight-threatening condition effectively.

Precision Diagnosis with Keeler's Goldmann Applanation Tonometer

Glaucoma affects your peripheral vision initially, making early detection challenging. Our Glaucoma Services feature the Octopus Perimeter, a cutting-edge visual field analyzer by Haag Streit, Switzerland. This advanced technology enables us to pinpoint even the subtlest changes in your visual field, crucial in diagnosing glaucoma in its earliest stages. With this precision, we can initiate treatment promptly to preserve your visual acuity.


Thorough Assessment with the Octopus Perimeter

Glaucoma affects your peripheral vision initially, making early detection challenging. Our Glaucoma Services feature the Octopus Perimeter, a cutting-edge visual field analyzer by Haag Streit, Switzerland. This advanced technology enables us to pinpoint even the subtlest changes in your visual field, crucial in diagnosing glaucoma in its earliest stages. With this precision, we can initiate treatment promptly to preserve your visual acuity.


Comprehensive Management with Zeiss OCT

Our commitment to your eye health extends beyond diagnosis. For effective glaucoma management, we utilize the Zeiss Optical Coherence Tomogram (OCT), crafted in Germany. This remarkable technology allows us to visualize the delicate structures within your eye with incredible detail. We can monitor disease progression, assess the effectiveness of treatment, and tailor your care plan for optimal results.

A Dedicated Team of Experts

Beyond advanced technology, Chirag Eye Care boasts a team of skilled and compassionate ophthalmologists specializing in glaucoma care. Our experts are equipped with the knowledge and experience to guide you through every step of your glaucoma journey, from diagnosis to treatment and ongoing management.

Glaucoma is a formidable adversary, but with the exceptional Glaucoma Services at Chirag Eye Care, you can take charge of your ocular health. We are committed to providing you with the finest care, ensuring that your vision remains vibrant and clear. Don't leave your eyesight to chance—trust us to safeguard your vision. Schedule your glaucoma evaluation today, and experience excellence in eye care at Chirag Eye Care. Your eyes deserve nothing less.
